Privacy & Cookie

 Owner of data processing

The owner of the data treatment is Calzaturificio Luparense, via Papa Luciani 66 – 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD), info[at]

The data are processed electronically in the seats of Calzaturificio Luparense by internal staff or by a third party if you develop a working relationship.

There are also third parties who may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies in order to collect or receive information from the website and use that information to provide metering services and to define target audience targeted online. Cookies can be locked directly from your browser or you can use services like the following:

Navigation Data

This web site, in the course of normal use collects some personal data (via charge software) whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to identify persons, however, by their nature they can be processed together with other third-party information allowing to identify the user. The information gathered for example are IP addresses and / or the pc domain names that people use to make use of the site, the site addresses required, times the visit etc., the operating system and the browser used, etc.. This data is obtained through Google Analitycs, a free application that Google Inc. makes available to track statistics. These data are collected anonymously, and as just mentioned, are used for statistical purposes, for example: check number of accesses and behaviors within the website. The data could be used to address potential computer crimes.

Information provided by you

The data provided by the contact form voluntarily by the customer will be processed by electronic instruments and will be used to respond to requests or start a business relationship. If the business relationship would go to a good end this data may be disclosed to third parties closely related to the relationship (ie. Accountant, lawyer, etc.). Data collected during navigation will be collected for statistical purposes only, will not receive offers and will not be sold to third party companies.

Sensitive data

As for the sensitive data that may be sent through the web site form (eg. Curriculum) these will be collected and stored in an internal archive to the company and will only be used to re-contact the person. These data will be maintained for periods of time not specifically delineated as the applications may be taken into account even after a long period of time. The data will be deleted after a long period or after a contact with negative results, unless otherwise specified by the person.

Questions, suggestions or claims

For further questions on the use of the collected data or for clarification or claims contact Calzaturificio Luparense at the following e-mail: info[at]


What is a cookie? A cookie is a small data or message sent by the web server for the web browser organization, and is then stored on the user’s hard drive. Cookies can not read the disk file data or cookies created by other sites, and will not harm the system. However, you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to alert you when a cookie is being sent. Web browsers allow you to control cookies stored on your hard drive through the browser settings. To learn more about cookies, including what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit the site.

We only use cookies to track the performance of our site and to improve the user experience. However there are also third-party cookies which we have no control. There are third-party cookies for the sharing of some of the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, etc.). Each time the user decides to interact with the plug-in or access the Site after having “logged in” through your Facebook account or Twitter (etc.), Some personal information may be collected by the platform operators of social networks (for example, the User’s visit to the Site).Calzaturificio Luparense does not have access to the data that are collected and processed independently from the social networking platform operators. For more information on the logic and methods of management of data collected from social networks, users are encouraged to read the included information on the privacy provided by the the company services which we are talking about:

Facebook Policy Facebook

Twitter Privacy Twitter

Linkedin Privacy Linkedin

Google+ e YouTube Privacy Google

If you choose not to accept our cookies, some of the features of our site may not work as expected.

Cookies used on the site Calzaturificio Luparense (


The website uses cookies to monitor site performance and improve the user experience. More info

The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
